Monday, October 20, 2014

Timeshare Trading Tips

I have traded my week every year through Interval International. I own in Orlando, and have traded for a better (in my opinion) property every time.  When I say better, I mean that the properties have a greater demand than the one I own.
For example, I own in Orlando, and have traded for beach properties and other highly desirable locations (Custom House in Boston, during peak summer season, for example).

Tips for trading:

  1. Reserve the highest demand week at your home resort.  Research which week sells out and it the most popular week at your resort. This is the week you want to reserve.

  1. As soon as you reserve, deposit your week (for example, if you are a member of Interval International, deposit your week as soon as you reserve it). 

  1. Research and request as many properties that you would be comfortable staying at.  I made the mistake once of only requesting one resort and one week.  I will explain in a future post (this week) what happened with this strategy.

  1. As soon as you are confirmed at a resort, research airfare/travel options. If affordable, then do nothing (and keep your week). But if you decide you do not want the resort/week you have been given, you have 24 hours to give it back, and your original request remains intact.

I recommend that you frequently check your mail at the email address you have provided to the trading organization (ex. Interval International).  You don’t want to miss a confirmation. 


I recommend researching properties online, reading reviews, for example on a website such as Tripadvisor. Be careful though, because this can become very time consuming. Look for trends. A random negative review shouldn’t be a concern.  You can also ask questions of reviewers, if you don’t find the information you are looking for. And you can see actual photographs of the properties, taken by travelers and not professional photographers, which can sometimes be very informative.

“Trading Power”

I have heard this phrase from different people in reference to your ability to trade your week successfully.  Trading Power can be increased by depositing your week earlier, as well as depositing a more desirable week (for example, Christmas week in Orlando). People who own ocean front in Hawaii are going to have very good “Trading Power”. If you do not own somewhere like Hawaii, do everything you can to increase your “Trading Power” (deposit early, and reserve that highest demand week at your home resort).

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