Friday, October 31, 2014

More Interval International Tips

Two Years to Complete an Exchange

Once you deposit your week with Interval International, you then have 2 years from the end of the week you deposited, to complete an exchange.  For example, if you deposit week "December 19-26 of 2014", you must complete a stay (on an exchange from THAT week) by December 26, 2016.

Extending this Two Year Exchange Period

If you make an exchange request, and do not receive confirmation in two years, you can pay more to extend beyond the Two Year period.  There are 6 month and 12 month options, and you call Interval International to do so.  HOWEVER, there is a big CAVEAT here.  Your extension will only be for available inventory only.  What that means, is you must request a resort that is available in inventory. You no longer can have a request in their computer, searching all the time for your requested resort to be deposited. Essentially, the high demand, very requested, or high season weeks won't be available to you. Before the extension period, you can still place a vacation request, even if an instant confirmation is unavailable.


Benefits of Exchanging Online vs. Over the Phone

Lower fees from Interval International.  However, once you get your exchange request in online, you can call and change dates. For example, online will look at an exchange starting on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  You can call and tell the Interval International person on the phone, if you only can start your week on a Saturday, for example.  They have more control.

However, if you restrict the check-in day you will accept, you will limit the number of deposits that match your request.

Have your Confirmation EMAILED

If Interval International has to mail you your packet, once they make a match and have a confirmation for you, you will not get the 24-hour grace period. This applies to "Deposit First Confirmations".  "Request First Confirmations" are final. More on this, next week.

Deposit First exchange confirmations have a 24-hour grace period where you can cancel the confirmation with no penalty.

Cancellations outside the initial 24 hours following confirmations are in accordance with II’s Exchange Cancellation Policy.

1 comment:

  1. What an insightful post! I've been a timeshare owner for a while now, and this information about Interval International is incredibly helpful. The clarification on the two-year exchange period and the option to extend, with the caveat about available inventory, is something I wasn't fully aware of. It's great to know the nuances of the system, especially when it comes to making the most out of your timeshare. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights; it's evident that your blog is a go-to resource for anyone navigating the world of timeshare ownership and Interval International. Keep up the excellent work!
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