Sunday, February 7, 2016

Increasing your Confirmation Chances

I have talked a lot about Internal International tips. Here are a few more to keep in mind.

Once you have decided which method (Deposit First or Request First) is best for you, DEPOSIT your week with your home resort with Interval International as soon as possible.  If you are doing "Deposit First", you can deposit even though you don't have a request to make.

What this means, is you should deposit your week (if you are sure you don't want to stay at your home resort) and decide later (if necessary) WHERE you want to request.  This will increase your changes/odds. 

There are factors that affect your place in line (so to speak) or your "priority". 

1. Supply and Demand
2. Sleeping Capacity of Villa
3. Date the home week is relinquished
4. Date the request is placed

Ideally, you would reserve exactly 1 year in advance your home week and relinquish and deposit that same day.  Then you can place a request up to 2 years in advance of when you want to travel.  The further into the future you request, the greater your odds.


Request as far in advance as you can.

Request a week with seasonal demand comparable to that of your deposited week.

Allow the system to work in your favor by placing exchange request with several different resorts if you are requesting for only 1 time period

Marriott Owners Advantage (Exchange Priority)

If you are a Marriott Vacation Club Owner, the week you deposit (relinquish) will be offered to other Marriott Vacation Club Owners requesting comparable exchange before becoming available to other Interval International Members. 

So if you are a MVC owner, and you request another Marriot property, your odds will be better than people requesting the same if they are not MVC owners.